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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2011-10-30




只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2011-11-02
supras sneakers 146 road blocked Beijing up last night the car is late now heigh
146 road blocked Beijing up last night the car is late now height or continuously information of Yahoo of 6 hours of _(Reporter Hou Shasha Liu crown) 146 road congestion - Yesterday, the city once again ruffled evening peak, many people go into the plight of Nana block. Also in the Mid-Autumn Festival, also a tail number 4 and 9 of the car restrictions, the same encounter rain, yesterdays road traffic congestion level has been close to September 17 of last years big city congestion, but the duration was significantly be shortened. Mid-Autumn Festival, are more traffic jams throughout the day, has no obvious flat peak periods. Yesterday afternoon, the public rushed to Miss Mao Chegongzhuang from Chaoyang Park Avenue. 14:00 out of the door, 15:34 before reaching the destination. "15 kilometers away 1 hour 34 minutes, including stopping there 57 minutes waiting time." Miss Mao said,grey ken griffey shoes, After the meeting, she rushed to the nearby Childrens Hospital and friends, the results of just 3.7 kilometers of road, and went 55 minutes, the actual travel time is only 7 minutes, 48 ??minutes blocking traffic jam. Municipal Traffic Management Bureau Web site traffic information on the chart shows,grey ken griffey shoes, since yesterday noon, the roads in urban areas is gradually increasing pressure, a lot of road congestion is displayed in red or yellow, put on hold. Jing Tong Expressway, Jianguo Road, is the all-day gains across the board. 18 am, rain started north, into the second ring line congestion. Tak Street, North Street, Xizhimen and other tie-line is huge pressure on the German team the south end of North Street,black griffeys sneakers, scheduled to Madian Bridge. The citys road network is only an average speed of 17 km is a serious congestion. Reporters in the Sihui Bridge area to see almost all the four directions are blocked. Bridge to drive the main road from the founding of the Fourth Ring Road, Beijing Tong quickly opened the car within half an hour less than 1 km,supras sneakers, most of the time waiting for the driver. Bridge Island, south to the north line of vehicles has been a Guangqu. Baiziwan traffic intersection traffic lights have been changed to manual,women ken griffey jr sneakers, continue south to the north for nearly 10 minutes of red light did not change. 18:50, the citys congested roads to reach 146, and September 17 last year, the large increase of three congestion congested road. Member of the public to send text messages to radio for help, that was blocked in the World Trade motionless, nibbling on the seeds in the car. Half an hour later, the public once again sent a message, "a bag of seeds are nibbling over, people are still Guomao Bridge." Microblogging, according to frequent traffic jams. Users "painting 88" said: "The slope of the bridge the next block, the car be a box of moon cake dinner, although a little tired of the current traffic jam time 1.45 hours." Miss Cui is much more fortunate people, she said: "I feel to rain, I immediately thought of a peak in late September last year, more than 140 road traffic jams caused by rain, this year I work an hour early, under the rain had not arrived home. "annual Mid-Autumn Festival is the high incidence of traffic jams ,supras stytop shoes, in particular, the public still remember last September 17, visiting friends and relatives Friday nights Mid-Autumn Festival traffic peak and together,blue ken griffey sneakers, they catch up with the tail number limit line is 4 and 9, a light rain caused a Beijing city evening peak The big traffic jam. But yesterday the congestion time is not long, around 20 oclock traffic flow began to fall, the first road west to restore smooth traffic flow northeast down slowly. Yesterday evening peak, the traffic control department launched a plan on the ground, all the traffic police, road maintenance flow of traffic wardens. Reporters saw the direction in Jianguomen northbound loop on the south, rain riding a motorcycle traffic patrol in the traffic stream, the flow of super-saturation of the loop entrance to the temporary traffic control. Municipal Traffic Management Bureau introduced nearly two years, before Mid-Autumn Festival traffic is close to the New Year. Beijing to increase the field of vehicles, increase dinner party, compared with the normal amount of traffic traveling surge. The visiting friends and relatives carrying the moon cake is the addition of car travel. Currently, the citys vehicle population reached 4.94 million,grey ken griffey sneakers, compared with an increase of 400,000 over the same period last year, road traffic is under great strain. Limited line of vehicles during the holiday season, people should be psychologically prepared for the traffic situation, the best choice for public transport travel. Mid-Autumn Festival traffic control department released today evening peak traffic forecast may be for 6 hours (Reporter Hou Shasha correspondent Yang) yesterday, Municipal Traffic Management Bureau issued a Mid-Autumn Festival traffic prediction: during the holiday season, due to limited lines motor vehicle, traffic pressure plus major, major attractions, parks and downtown business district traffic flow will be very concentrated, the highway traffic pressure. In addition, today is the last working day before the holiday, the traffic control department expected the evening peak is likely to continue more than six hours. From last years situation during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival on the first day morning, the traffic mainly in Beijing, Tibet, Hong Kong and Macao as well as the direction of the expressway from Beijing area adjacent to the bridge and loop, flat peak hours, downtown business district and tourist attractions in the surrounding traffic pressure; holiday the next day,north face jackets for women, traffic mainly in urban areas of large shopping around, especially in the South Third Ring Muxiyuan Bridge District, South Garden Road shopping district and other roads surrounding the line, 10 am to 16 pm last vehicles ; holiday on the third day,black north face jackets, the direction of Beijing and the adjacent highway bridge area is the traffic hot spots. Highway Traffic forecast: the morning of September 10 is expected, after 6:30 pm, more rapid growth in highway traffic, 8 am to 12 pm, Beijing, Tibet, Hong Kong and Macao, Beijing-Chengde, airport highway direction from Beijing there will be a traffic peak. Including high-speed Beijing-Hong Kong and Macao Du Jiakan toll ongoing transformation of the construction, will increase the pressure on Beijing, the direction of traffic, peak traffic queues may impact areas of the West Fourth Ring yuegezhuang Bridge vehicle traffic around the area can go Fangshan by Lin Stone Road, around the line of West Sixth. In addition, connected with Beijing-Tibet high-speed supernatant of the bridge area,ken griffey jr sneakers, Jianxiang Qiao District, Laiguangying bridge connected with the Beijing-Chengde area, hope, and the bridge area, it tends to concentrate because of the emergence of Beijing, slow moving traffic situation. Exhibition organized by the New China International Exhibition impact, high-speed airport during the holiday season will increase traffic, friends and from the airport take the airport fast track should be chosen. 19:00 to 21:00 every day, high-speed Beijing-Hong Kong and Macao to the Marco Polo Bridge west road crossing by people focused on the impact of the full moon destined for the Marco Polo Bridge area, will continue to slow moving vehicles. At 13:00 on September 12 began, the highway traffic peak will start to appear back to Beijing, it is recommended people avoid it dispersed travel back to Beijing. Urban traffic forecasting: traffic will be concentrated in the surrounding district and dining and entertainment venues. Teachers Day coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, more focused business discount promotions, Gongzhufen West Third Ring Road, South Ring Muxiyuan, kiosks and large rural East Fourth Ring Xidan, Chongwenmen and other large shopping malls, shopping around will be the peak holiday flat hour traffic hot spots. Noon and evening, Fangzhuang, Wudaokou, Da Wang Road, heading for the street, Sanlitun and other food and beverage, entertainment focus area,red ken griffey sneakers, there will be a short-term traffic peaks. In addition, more than during the festival events will be held, will have some impact on regional traffic. Exhibition organized by the North which fall wedding expo, organized by the Workers League, the National Stadium held large-scale concerts, Longtan Park in the Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival and other activities,black moncler jackets, will attract a large number of passenger traffic. September 12 morning go Badachu,green ken griffey sneakers, Lama Temple and other places of traffic will be relatively concentrated, combined with the Book Fair being held Ditan Park, Lama Temple Bridge area will be the North Second Ring main and side roads affected vehicular traffic, transit vehicles should be avoided On the surrounding roads. In addition, festive evening go the Marco Polo Bridge, after sea, the North Sea, Summer Palace and other places of the moon will be the relative concentration of traffic, the road is prone to so slowly around the situation. Today is the last working day before Mid-Autumn Festival, the traffic control department is expected, the evening peak may be from 15 oclock until nearly 22, the total time of more than six hours. The traffic control department said the thorough investigation of drunk driving during the holiday season will be illegal. September 12 is the Mid-Autumn Festival,women ken griffey jr sneakers, friends, dinner, friends and a corresponding increase in activity. The traffic control department has made the deployment, intensify law enforcement inspections. (Editor: Zhang Yabo) :]icW ^%  
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只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2011-11-03
只看该作者 3楼  发表于: 2011-11-03
只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2011-11-06
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只看该作者 5楼  发表于: 2011-11-07
中学校内自建陪读楼被指敛财 禁止学生走读
  黄孟强说,学校这么做都是为了学生。首先是为了学生安全考虑,学校远离市区,周边环境复杂,校外居住容易产生各种安全隐患;其次,moncler,高中生多数在16岁到18岁之间,家长陪读不利于其培养自立自强能力,学校愿意一肩承担;此外,学校针对陪读学生开展过一项调查,结果显示,相比住校生,陪读学生容易产生依赖心理,进而影响到学习的主动性和自主性,不利于成绩的提高。 !`I@Rk]`c  
  程温明说,陪读楼的租金定价,是家长们关注的焦点,教育局也将密切关注此事进展,希望学校能够做到公开透明,给家长一个交代,还自己一个清白。 }l7+W4~  
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  自建“陪读楼” 禁止学生走读 )&c2+Y@  
  黄孟强说,暑假期间,学校对现有学生公寓楼进行整修,重新粉刷了墙壁,louboutin pas cher,在每个宿舍安装了空调,并保证维持目前250元/学期的住宿费。学校在建的陪读楼是宾馆式公寓,共有470间左右,分为大单间和套间两种,有独立的卫生间和厨房,就是为了解决有特殊情况的学生的陪读需求。目前新公寓楼主体工程已完工,预计国庆节后将正式投入使用,陪读楼的租金还未最终确定,要等物价部门来核准。 !wYN",R-  
  运城市教育局副局长程温明说,学校有自主办学的权利,ralph lauren,禁止学生走读也属教学范畴内的事,但是一刀切的方式有待商榷,对于一些特殊情况,比如孩子神经衰弱、疾病缠身不适宜宿舍生活等情况,应区别对待;既然家长对学校的做法提出异议,学校应对家长的意见多倾听、多了解,摸清情况,做好沟通,促进问题的解决。 xQ9t1b|{e  
  网帖指出,学校今年新建了一栋拥有近500套房子的陪读楼,为了这些房间都能以高价租出,学校便想出了“召回”这一办法;学校现已放出风声,每套房子的年租金在一万五左右;而在学校附近,类似的房子,年租金还不到四千元。 8lk/*/} =<  
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  家长疑学校变相发学生财 <EnmH/C.  
  “我2009年在与康杰中学仅一墙之隔的小区内买了一套房,50多平方米的房子也只用了11万元;若按学校的要求,在校内租住陪读楼,岂不是花了冤枉钱?”高卫萍说。 cc${[yj)  
  康杰中学党委书记黄孟强说,学校2005年搬至目前的新校区,由于远离市区,近年来陪读之风愈演愈烈,Louboutin,给学校管理上带来一些难题。学校于今年5月份发出“告康杰中学全体家长的一封信”,提出从新学年开始禁止学生走读,将全部学生纳入学校管理。 a[ ;L+  
  黄孟强透露,对于教师向学生高价出租自己房屋的做法引起社会强烈反响,学校方面也对此坚决反对。目前学校已做出决定,从2012年7月1日起任何教师都不得把自己的房子租给学生及陪读家长,一经发现将上报市教育局,进行严肃查处。 y ;mk]  
  网帖爆料,2011年该校共有学生6000多名,据不完全统计,家长陪读的就有1500多。校园内的教师家属区有近320套房子,有一多半被前来陪读的学生家长租走。学校2005年时为解决青年教职工住宿问题,盖了一栋“周转楼”,而经过关系户、房产中介层层转包,目前200多套房间也大部分租给了陪读家长。 L'Iw9RAJ  
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  教育局称此为“学校自主办学权利” }>y !I5O  
  采访中,陪读家长纷纷表示,如今校方看准了高涨的租房需求,在校内建设“陪读楼”,其实质就是要在租房市场上“分得一杯羹”。 Qm7];,  
  高卫萍说,Chaussures Louboutin,学校已有6栋公寓楼,可容纳6000多人,完全可满足所有学生的住宿需求,若是禁止陪读,为什么还要建设“陪读楼”?而且,就在康中校内的家属区,学校为老师盖的家属楼,有一半以上都租给了陪读家长,房租不但比外面贵得离谱,而且逐年上涨,一间100多平方米的房子每年的租金已经达到四万元;学校的“周转楼”,moncler outlet,每套房子的面积不过40平方米左右,年租金至少也要1万5千元。 [QMN0#(h  
  新华社太原9月8日电  96;5  
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  此帖一出,网上声讨声一片。网友“河东虱吼”说,一边是校内“天价”房红红火火,一边是校外“平价”房冷冷清清。网友“睁一只眼”说,学校是教书育人的地方,竟然利用教育资源实施牟利行为,将学校变成了摇钱树、聚宝箱,太不应该! fUCjC*#1  
  网帖称,位于山西运城空港新区的康杰中学日前以保障安全为名,张贴告示禁止一千余名学生走读,doudoune moncler,并规定到截止日期不按要求交纳费用入住的学生,学校将采取停课、劝退等强制措施。8月17日晚,该校出动数名高层领导和几十名保安人员阻止学生走读,sac longchamp,从而导致学生家长集体强烈不满并引发群体上访事件。 |ssl0/ nk  
  对于学校“一切为了学生”的说法,部分家长表现出强烈质疑。家长高卫萍(化名)说,此种说法,表面上看似冠冕堂皇,其实质却是为了掩盖其“敛财”的目的。 4 X/UyBk  
只看该作者 6楼  发表于: 2011-11-11
只看该作者 7楼  发表于: 2011-11-11
只看该作者 8楼  发表于: 2011-11-11
只看该作者 9楼  发表于: 2011-11-15