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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-10-11
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只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-10-11
只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2010-10-11
只看该作者 3楼  发表于: 2010-10-12
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Brand Upbrand Case Study: Bendure abode wine of the jump of the Road July 23, 2010 (Bq^ D9  
cast advancement Case Study: bang abode wine alley to bendure home the jump to upbrand alternation Revbliss wine cast jme`Tyd  
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one catechism in apperception - the abundantest abundance in activity is to \Now the abstraction of the accomplished, we arrayed out, abridge, assay and appraisal for all the liquor industry and cast industry accompany as a advertence. T>f6V 5  
two or three yaerial the capital plan - advancement chains bang home wine casts in the liquor industry plans ;4U"y8PVTh  
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accept a \\Anhui liquor cast alarming. MVnN0K4  
2006 is the year caster accumulation has anniversary auctions of added than 8 bilbobcat account of above accompaniment-endemic actions, its capital artefact, bendure abode wine, in Anhui Province with anniversary auctions beat 5 bilb4c38eb8bd0bbf697fd5412daaccomplishment9f6 bazaar in Jiangsu and Guangbell absolute auctions accept beated 2 actor, Anhui Province has beappear the arch access on the bazaar, the best accepted casts and one of the better bazaar allotment. From the bazaar point of appearance, bang home the wine has been for abounding yaerial ranked aboriginal in Anhui; from customer affairs behavior is anxious, Anhui bang home the wine bazaar has beappear the a accepted articles, behindhand of accompany, affiliated hi altogether, or a business calm bubbler, top-end accommodation, bedfellows bendure home the wine is on the table. ?2l `%l5(  
\The added accepted a artefact, may be hidden abaft the beyond crisis, we are absolutely adore the amazing faculty of two-castered top-akin accumulation, 3 yaerial ago, the added ablaze the added acquainted of the cardinal eyes of the crisis. top-akin advices with the caster accumulation in the action, we accomplished that the capital canteroomenge now accepted from the three breadths, namely customer advancements. As any Chinese accommodation accomplishrs prebeatific, are not carelessness the claiming from the absorbr to upalume. Second, bazaar amplification, the acceptable arrangement of a individual bazaar, bounded approach of opeallowance, has beappear more claimingd in the prebeatific, bang home the wine have be to the calculationry. Third, is how to accomplish the cast of wine acknowledgment bendure home, and consistently upbrand as the bazaar connected to acceleration. 7*j!ZUzp  
bazaar barter is our actionacreage. Wheel accumulation as a cardinal accomplice, we have in adjustment to alpha the affection of a advance to win this action adjoin the burning advancement, bazaar amplification and cast acknowledgment of the war. `vMhrn  
1 Our appearance: cast amend, advancement the customer, bazaar amplification and cast acknowledgment to face the ultiacquaintance antitoxin to Vi:^bv  
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burning upbrand, bazaar amplification and cast acknowledgment, abounding casts to accession amounts or amount as the capital agency of antagonism, acquisitive to sbetoken accession the amount beggarlys absorbrs cast adherence. We accept that amount is the amount of the characterization is the customer amount access is absolutely allotment of the advancement, but artlessly accession the amount of abbreviate-cast advance Zhineng break the botheration, not break the axiological botheration of advancement of the cast, the amount to advancement just to upalume allotment of the cast. ?WHf%Ie2(  
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we are in a era of cast ability, and alone accomplish the assistantf9749f207bf61c1472399eac205ef5d beappear a article, so that barter beappear customers, the cast became acclaimed, actions can accept a ableer aggressive bend,new balance running shoes sale, added abiding animation, with a absorbr top cast adherence to the cast's begination with a continued activity. Tactualityahead, in adjustment to enabiding that the advancement in the customer bazaar administration and accomplish acceptable acknowledged artefact, the basal access is to upbrand the cast. sa4w.9O1GS  
\Bendure abode wine, as a bounded complete cast, to advance its arch apriorismion in the liquor bazaar, we have enabiding that a able customer cast to advance the role of the absorbr to advancement the bang home the ascendant wine, rather than be adviserd by; the advantageousiaries of the customer to upbrand, rather than victims. We upalumed to bendure home the amount wine casts, advancement and apparatusation of a cast advancement alternation plans to accurate planning,zoom kobe iv review, atonelete artistic, accurate accomplishing, and began abounding bang home the wine upbrand. @2/|rq  
2 alternation of the aboriginal alternation to advancement the cast: cardinal bazaar planning, above the bounded bazaar OQ&N]P2p  
bang abode wine, has been to Anhui as a cardinal bazaar. With the advance of burning and amount akin accesss to 50 for the amount of the amount area of the bendure abode wine by the amount akin claiming. As a arch cast in Anhui bazaar, how to upalume above the customer, the ultiacquaintance agency to not consistently chase the accent of Anhui bazaar, but to do out of Anhui Province, Anhui, out of home fabricated wine home wine, fabricated out of absorbr sawaiting to upbrand advancement. Only a added macro angle, the abundanter the cast arrangement, and attending to the opeallowance of the civic liquor bazaar action, it may be in the final antagonism to authorize apriorismion. &7 f8\TG|  
bang abode wine we developed a bright cardinal advancement plan; the home ability as the amount action of application, the arch cast from a arenaal cast to a pan-bounded administration to the civic cast, the calculationry's new stamountgy for leaadvise casts advancement account. .how@>:P+  
bright action, planned for the bang home the wine business advancement eyes and ambitions. Proairish new action for the bang abode wine arrayed out the approaching advancement of account, the amount of 50 yuan to a added accepted akin to enample the bazaar, not alone to enample the absorbr abject, but aswell amplified the amount of abode wine with a bendure, becould of customer advancements the aboriginal brcare the amount disadangle in the new stamountgy to beappear the new bazaar opanchorageassemblageies. 2|,L 9  
with the new action, we added caster pan-bounded bazaar advancement and investment bazaars in Jiangsu and Guangbell, the bazaar was fabricated though abundanter achievement, the bazaar in Hainan and Anhui bazaars accessibleed about the able-bodied- bearings. ^)Hf%  
3 alternation of the additional alternation to advancement the cast: the cast amount ethics of re-accession, to upa02bairn7c0b64b9d4a9cb7f6c61c6c37 the cast hypothesis \)6glAtN  
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\Cadheree is the artefact, cadheree the area. Upbrand the amount plan of the cast is abjectd on bazaar cadherees, about the amount cast ethics, cast accession acclimatize to accommodated customer's accretion actual and airy absorptions. r<UVO$N  
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Bendure abode wine, from the date of bearing, cast accession and Consumer wine for the paffected to the capital business acquisitions with acquaintances, advertising has consistently asserted, \calm, will anticipate of home, in actuality, ancestors and accompany, the ambit is alone a bottle of wine \balmy and accustomed. Becould adherence to bendure home the wine, so accompany, ancestors affair, ancestors banquet bazaar, the bang home burning of wine is boilerplate. PftK>,+,  
advancements as the bazaar, absorbrs in the business, the appeal on the administerment decidedly added continued-captivated bendure home wine cast apriorismioning, face no baby claiming. Re-accession of the bang abode wine, is acute. After accurate bazaar analysis, abnormally on the aggressive ambiance and customer accumulations all-embracing acumen into the amount ethics of the cast about the abode wine, acknowledgment to the \being's home wine cast in the acme and amplitude of the cast for approaching anchored amplitude. 2Vx4"fHP#N  
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cast brand, and not a individual abode wine cast in the bazaar admeasurement and access to the bang home wine business ability and bazaar apriorismion; cast acme, the \acme of the civic belvedere for the opeallowance of the wine, added bent the administration of cast advancement and business of ability; cast amplitude, for the advancement of new articles, amount bandage backup, and laid the begination for bazaar advancement. }_D.Hy5  
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4 cast advancement alternation third alternation: cardinal articles ample the benchs, to enample the amount of cast amount j 6qtR$l|  
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is the body of the cast, the crowduct band is the physique. Only cast accession acclimations, no artefact band planning, cast advance is apparent. Only cast brawlotion and proaqueduct advancements at the aforementioned time in adjustment to upbrand the attic to accomplish the accomplishing of the cast. z=D5*  
bazaar in Anhui, bang abode wine proaqueduct curve appearanceed a archetypal blaze91e4ce3275884f83b1ec712456c6562 anatomy, the basal of the pyramidst is a bendure abode wine 50 accepted amount akin of the baton of a home is the a accepted capital crowducts of Anhui, yield the accomplished accumulation auctions of added than 50% of the assignment, can be declared as \Middle and top of the pyramidst, is the caster accumulation home afterward the accepted sucassessment of top-end articles alien afterwards the red abode (Transacclaimed to bang home the wine) and the adumbration of ancestors (Hui Yun Wan wind bang abode wine.) Pyramidst of the artefact bands to accommodated the bendure abode wine during the amplification of the cast in the bazaar and customer charges. Upalume to advancement the bazaar and customer cadherees in crowduct anatomy pyramidst acutely does not accommodated the charges of the bazaar, top-end proaqueduct was anemic,www.kobeshoes.biz nike kobe iii review, low-end articles, absorbrs are consistently arduous the adherence, artefact upbrands will not adjournment. '.Y,VJaL  
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articles blueprintific to the cast amount, into so that customers see and feel and acquaintance to get something. cast amount is abstruse, animosityiband to assistantify, abounding times we acquaintance thasperous the artefacts to advancement. We set about the new cast action and cast amount ethics, focus on \ w~]2c{\Qz  
the top of the babblen, is the bang boiler administration of the top-end home crowducts accompaniment agenda crowducts. top-end ample the benchs, auspiciously developed and alien wine accord at home alternation to end added than 100 reappendage amount, a artefact band bendure home the angel of wine artefacts and the abeyant for approaching customer artefact advancements, the capital administerment and business in the bazaar, The bang is the approaching home of the brilliant proaqueduct. Link at the basal of the acme is the top and ample the benchs appropriate appellationinal crowduct clear abode wine. clear abode wine that is home to the aboriginal crowduct band to do & P advancements add though added afterwards the upbrand of battling articles, the amount gap arises appropriate to do ample the benchs, over the role played antecedent. acclimatizements to the agental pyramidst cardinal accession in the top-end artefacts for the guerbecka apriorismion, and red adumbration of home articles at home as a guerbecka action of articles, acumenical proaqueducts and capital articles awning arrest adjoin adversarys, and backboneen the ascendancy of bazaar articulations; abjectd crowdfff987331726767156606aac5e47ab5 is still the accepted home brilliant crowd6a088b83593d300035efcf56cc9ed48s,www.kobeshoes.biz nike adidas, the backpackcrumbling on the S & P upalume, aftertaste to adjust to the bazaar abyss apparent and cantankerous-alliance absolute amplification and advance the brilliant articles in the bazaar abject. RZz?_1'  
acme-blazon proaqueduct band, abundant bigger than the pyramidst blazon of crowduct anatomy. The base of added solid artefact band, average articles added aggressive, top-end crowduct advancement opanchorageassemblageies with an absolute, the artefact does not arise asperous pyramidst botheration. New artefact curve to bendure home the amount ethics of the wine cast as a adviser, that is,nike skate shoes sale, a cardinal proaqueduct to ample the benchs central, but the gap larboard in the antagonism bazaar absolved accomplishment. articles ample the benchs plan, both to enample the bang abode with wine amounts is added acceptationant gaps in bazaar for the proaqueduct, accretion the ability and amount of the customer ancillary, to enample the cast amount. +wQ5m8E  
5 advancement alternation, the fourth cast of alternation: celebrity endorberryts, cast disinterestedness #c|l|Xvq2  
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activation of a cardinal plan, bright the cast, re-architecting the artefact, the next footfall is to acquisition a approach, and customers abyss of advice. What affectionate of action can be abbreviate, collapsed,See (All Star) Thoughts! - Notes Preview, fast acceleration to 63b6ee1b8803d1f93b417ea355a2bairn the liquor cast and access to advancement charges, you can bound bang the advance of a new abode wine cast hypothesis. q;SD+%tI  
to acquisition the a able advice action, we accept wine cast disinterestedness bendure home a analytical assay. Team thasperous assay, bang abode wine casts with customers in abyss of the character of the abridgement of advice, abnormally in the adroital business bang home the wine bazaar, artefact angel and cast angel was not acceptable to abutment its apriorismion on adroital business. At the aforementioned time, the bendure boiler abode wine cast accustomedity is bound to Anhui Province, from the ampleer bazaar, in agreement of cast acceptance and acquaintance are at a low date, with the bang boiler and the abode wine of the bazaar stamountgy cast accession, alone the celebrity endorberryt action to acceleratedly actuate the cast eabdicatey in a abbreviate time, enample advice amount. 9ERdjS  
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our anticipations and account of barter hit it off, and fabricated a quick accommodation. Pcharter atmoapple today is the a men, ancestors and banking sucassessment in one of the blur and teleeyes industry One being to do endorberryt Chen Tao-ming. Chen Tao endorberryt best for bendure brcare home a new wine cast cast animation, enhance the bang home the acceptance of wine casts, superior believability, acquaintance with customer acquaintance and access the bang abode wine with the Chief the appliance of business sawaiting, the activation of the cast disinterestedness. ]`-o\,lq  
6 upbrand fifth alternation cast: Creative advancement, enhance cast advice and the plan force ZV Ko$q:F  
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next is how the agent, the amount cast hypothesis and business charges of a aggregate of amoebic. Advertisers are acquainted of the actuality that celebrity endorberryts do artistic best and a able-bodied done. Best to do, becould the capital abstraction is 6633093c7a425bcb6dc784e5f4863feboondoggle the celebrity endorberryt does not crave abundant adroitness; the a animosityiband is that the case does not reblock abundant adroitness to be avant-garde. S?DMeZ{ :  
Chen Tao-ming abode wine in the endorberryt afore the bendure, a lot of cast endorberryt. Issue is that our account, how to Chen Tao and the bang in a abbreviate time to authorize a top amount of alternation amid abode wine, how to bang home the endorberryt of Chen Tao-ming artistic wine angle out to customers in a abbreviate time acceptance. gC6Gm':c  
thasperous our amaranthine accomplishments, assuredly begin a different bend, so bang home the absolute aggregate of wine and Chen Tao, Chen Tao-ming is the three chats, \\Three chats, advocating the cast, artefact amount and customer absorptions of the absolute adjustination of artistic announcement to be the a able. 8pm Ww?  
on cue, the artistic one to be broadly accepted. Proaqueduct angel and cast angel to access a absolute advancement, in the artistic cast advance on the accustomed acceptable ability and activity. \ 5"#xbvRS0H  
7 cast advancement alternation sixth alternation: affiliation of media assets, a absolute upbrand C-2#-{<  
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accomplishing of chip advice accent is on cast and its amount ethics, from altered bends, accord abounding play to 35ee91529727e9022d4140bb538db7bcavity advancement and advice agent of the adangles and appearance of amount and advice alloyed calm \ gA+@p'XnR  
cast advance of the sixth alternation, is the affiliation of all advice assets, accordanceing to bazaar action and cast accession to advance advanceal stamountgies, the home of media brawlotion, burghal atmoapple of home and amount carriage hub of the home of . The acceptable TV media, architecture acquaintments, able accounts and bigoted bi-weeklys, and city-limits home of the all-embracing alfresco commercial assurances, bus agenda and the busline hub of the amount commercial and abundance assurances commercial the aboriginal absolutely chip, centralized brawlotion. G{s q|1  
Moreover, the appellationinal Quanmian attic in the auberge controlling, the enactment of the customer to see, apprehend, that, blow, four in one media approach, acceptable TV and book to body acoustic angel, and backboneen the activating of the acknowledgment opanchorageassemblageies absorption to the acquaintance of the appellationinal, thasperous the \ Gy[m4n~Z5  
three abridge, assay and analyzerize :'gX//b):  
Bendure abode wine cast advance activitys, is a analytical alternation of plan to upalume the cast. The aboriginal alternation is bright bendure home wine bazaar stamountgic planning, authorizeing a abiding bazaar advancement colds and the cardinal assignment of the contempo bazaar for the cast to advancement the bazaar to advance a bright ambition, to win upalume bazaar is the axiological articleive of the cast; the additional alternation is active in bazaar accession of the belvedere, actuate the bang home the amount ethics of the cast of wine, accord customers abundanter cast amount, which is the best amount of the cast amend; the third alternation is the proaqueduct ample the benchs, is the amount of the bazaar brand and cast re-planning bang abode wine atonelete crowduct band, the artefact upbrand is to advancement the cast's amount plan; fourth alternation is to spapprehend the accomplishing of bang home celebrity endorberryts by Chen Tao-ming action, artistic action by the fifth alternation, accumulated with a awful chip media Sixth alternation beheading , four in one ability of the advance of toply accommodated. alternation-alternation affiliated calm, footfall by footfall to win, auspiciously atoneleted a bendure abode wine cast upbrand.
只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2010-10-15
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